

So earlier today I posted a blog commenting on Dr. Stearns' introduction to "Google Lit Trips" (Read below for more info...)

Here it is, 7:45, and I'm sitting in the library casually checking blogs, AIM, and email, and Behold!

An Email from Jerome Burg himself:

This is Jerome Burg writing...
I just
wanted to thank you for the kind words you wrote in your blog about my Google
Lit Trip site.
I hope that you, or some of your colleagues, might consider
creating a lit trip to contribute to the site.

Thanks again...

Jerome Burg
Technology Integration Coordinator
Granada High

Needless to say, I'm absolutely stunned. This is Will Richardson / Friedman's Flat World / Amazing all at the same time. I never had reason to doubt the power and "coolness" (?) of the blog thing, and the web thing, and the technology thing... but if I ever did, this contact with Mr. Burg disproves it ALL.

And on that emo note... *sigh.*


Will Richardson said...

Well, just to drive the point home...this stuff is pretty cool, isn't it???


Will R.

Kris Mark said...

I think it is fascinating that Jerome himself contacted you and responded to you on your blog. There you are one day just checking to see what your classmates wrote out of no where someone who is or will be famous has written on YOUR blog. Definitly neat and I am pretty jealous!!

Anonymous said...

Ah, Will R. leaving his tracks again. Megan, you've got it going on I tell you!! And Jerome Burg!! WOW!

administrator said...

It's crazy how amazed we are when someone "famous" or seemingly untouchable contacts us. I think it all just goes back to our need to reach out and be heard. And the Internet just feeds and facilitates that need! How cool!

Darlene said...

I'm so impressed. No one "famous" has ever written to me on my blog. I guess you are just way more interesting than I am.

Jami said...

Wow! You definitely proved your point! Look at how connected we all are, between Jerome and Will. Imagine how much other attention we can derive from having a blog site such as this!


Jo Tutko said...

Behold the power of the flat earth and all of its masters....every single one of US!!