
My Inspiration

I've never really been one to single out a person and say "This person is the best..." that's why this assignment has been difficult for me... I know it's kinda cliche to say this, but every person is inspirational to me-- all in their own different ways. It's true.


If I have to single out people... ahh, well, here it goes: (I know this is breaking the rules, but oh well... that's what we've been taught to do!)

Kaitlin Brown - She's the first person I've meet that is SO nuts about Shakespeare (and I'm really not, so I'm inspired to learn more...)

Jo Tutko - (no "e"-- it's more distinguished) I've only barely heard of the whole "beat poem" thing-- and this kid knows them inside out and upside down- I'm inspired to learn more because I think this is something that students would really LOVE.

Charity Schneeberger - She's shown me that, at any point in a person's life, one can completely change career paths and go back to school... I respect her for this because I'm sure it's taken courage and major decisions to do what she's doing... It also shows me that if I get to that point, it's not the end of the world to change careers (but I dont think I will...)

Barb Hollings - It's similiar to Charity, and I also value her "real-world" experience: she's worked for a newspaper and in several other fields, all which give her experience and knowledge to guide us kiddies along.

Jami Sautter - She's so real and authentic, and I value this because it sort of makes me put myself in check- making sure I'm not relying on a facade.

Jess Brown - She's quirky and fun, and we've helped each other through similar educational struggles... and triumphed over the victories! I can be my quirky weird and sarcastic self around her.

Jon Space - His convictions about certain things are so strong... they inspire me to forcefully stick by what I believe. He's also just as excited about the Eclipse release (August 7th!!!) as I am!

Savanna Kucerak - Her spunk is great... and I'm often inspired to take a proactive role in my community and in the school's campus.

Darlene Scouten - She's just fun... and happy... and she makes me laugh.... She also has a similar "real world" experience that is valuable in our classroom experience.

Karen Stearns - She inspires me to "think outside the box" and never fall into the canonical text/worksheet/essay prompt/ teacher as all-knowing role that so many teachers are apt to do. She also inspires me to keep up-to-date on the best research and info on teaching.


administrator said...

Wow, Meg, you took a lot of time writing this. It is really nice to recognize all of the people who have inspired you. It also lets me get to know people through others' praise of them, even if I don't know them that well myself.

I appreciate the compliment as well! You are just too sweet.

Barb Hollings said...


I hate to admit that I finally read your post! Thank you for your comments, you are a sweet heart. I think it's wonderful that you commented upon so many people. It was something that I was also tempted to do, because everyone in our class and in our methods classes are wonderful people from whom I have learned a lot and I am in total awe of each and every one of them as well.

In particular, I appreciate your sensitivity, but before I turn this into a Hallmark moment I guess I'd better stop. Again, thank you for being such a thoughtful person Megan - You are a bright and shining light!

Karen Stearns said...

Ditto here Megan. Thanks for including me in your list. I hope I will continue to inspire you to be all that you can be as a teacher. I above all appreciate your intelligence Megan.