
No Words.

There are no words to express how I feel right now.

But I'll try. I've been on a quest for the past few days to resurrect this blog from the dingy dusty depths of the internet, and in the process, I've found a billion new things (and some old things) that I love.

First, LibraryThing. It's a really neat way to catalog your personal library. I'm going to use this in my classroom (provided that stinkin school internet filters don't block the site... a la Will Richardson's post). I figure this way, if and when I get the kids amped about books, they can look through the list online instead of running around the classroom and disorganizing the bookshelves...

Then we have BlogLines. I restructured the whole thing in hopes to add it as a widget to Blogger, but when I tried to do so, Blogger wouldn't recognize the html code that bloglines generated. Come to find out, Blogger has it's own version of a blogroll, so there we have it. I've got a few started for your reading and learning pleasure.

After reading a few blogs, I found a link to this nifty little thingy called Twitter. It's like Facebook and MySpace and AIM status updates all-in-one! AND YOU CAN UPDATE FROM YOUR CELLPHONE.

And THEN I found this supercool thing called Digsby... it sort of looks like AIM, but it's social networking/bookmarking compacted into one handy dandy desktop skin. I have facebook, myspace, aim, and my gmail account all in one box.

I really would like to comment on all of this... offer some sort of response... but my mind is just incredibly overwhelmed right now, and I need some serious time to process it all, play around with stuff, and just internalize what this whole revolution means.

And with that, my friends, I say goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. I am incredibly impressed. I can't wait to play around with the things you just mentioned!
