
20 Minutes.... Phew!

In the 20 minute crunch time, here's what I did:

Mrs. Bottle's Class Webpage

I also set up a quick blog

I linked the blog to the webpage.

As far as standards... I dont know what's here.... the page can help students learn how to maneuver through the web. I guess the actual page itself isn't a standard: it's what I can do with the page to help students learn, navigate through, and produce using other technologies.


administrator said...

I couldn't get to your webpage using the link you supplied, but I love your blog! It's very welcoming. I like that you wrote some things about yourself on your first blog entry - it makes you a "real" person, instead of just a teacher!

Karen Stearns said...

Megan, Nice job! I was able to access the page--your "hub." What am I missing Savanna?

What standard or standards might you reference? That would be a critical piece of the "interview."

I hope you can come to the colloquium on Tues afternoon.