
Better Late Than Never....

This one's a little late, but hey, it's here...

The article about the Baltimore school surprised me not because they're using the technology and creating the network of teachers to implement it, but because they're JUST starting to do it. They almost seem a little late in figuring out this technology and using it in their classrooms. If not late... right on time... not really progressive. Please don't misunderstand my criticism- I think that integrating this video-on-demand system in the classroom is great, and students will benefit greatly from it, but I just think it should have been done sooner.

To tie all three of the articles together (Robert Epstein's "Let's Abolish High School," the TECHNORATI data, and the ESchool news article), they all equal better high school experiences for both teachers and for students. The eSchool news article shows just one type of technology available to students which will help them analyze, understand, and make sense of the media that is pushed onto them day after day. The Tech data shows just how much the different applications are being used- and it simply proves that they ARE being used... and Epstein's article discusses an ideal high school that prepares students for the real world. Media will be projected onto people not just in their high school years, but throughout the rest of their lives- in this way, learning how to deconstruct and analyze it will help students become better adults which was the main focus of Epstein's article.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would do more with the Epstein article Megan.

I agree about timing in the case of the Baltimore Schools but institutions change very very slowly. This is one good example of the truth of that statement.

Someone has said that changing even the slightest thing in schools is like turning a battleship around on a dime...doesn't happen in a heartbeat!